#crisisbillboards. 2024

Lebanon is currently grappling with a deep economic crisis after successive governments piled up immense debt. Overnight, the Ponzi scheme installed by the Bank’s central governor since the end of the civil war has crumpled. Banks, main beneficiaries of this lucrative “Financial Engineering”, have blocked savers accounts. The currency has crashed, driving 80% of the population into poverty. Weekly grocery bills can equal months of a typical family’s income.

This video installation features quotes from prominent economists, sentences that are loosely inspired from Mark fisher and Naomi Klein writings, and a new lexicon that appeared with the start of collapse. The advertising billboards scattered in the capital and along the North-South highway have become like silent witnesses overlooking the city which continues its uproar despite the current collapse of the country.

#crisisbillboards . 2024

Le Liban est actuellement aux prises avec une profonde crise économique après que les gouvernements successifs ont accumulé une dette abyssale. Du jour au lendemain, la pyramide de Ponzi mise en place par le gouverneur de la Banque du Liban depuis la fin de la guerre civile s’est effondrée. Les banques commerciales, principales bénéficiaires de cette lucrative « ingénierie financière », ont bloqué les comptes des épargnants. La monnaie a subi une déflation brutale, entraînant 80 % de la population dans la pauvreté. Les dépenses ménagères hebdomadaires peuvent représenter des mois de revenu d’une famille moyenne.

Cette installation vidéo présente des citations d'éminents économistes, des phrases librement inspirées des écrits de Mark Fisher et de Naomi Klein, ainsi qu'un nouveau lexique apparu avec le début de l'effondrement. Les panneaux publicitaires ponctuant la capitale et disséminés le long de l'autoroute Nord-Sud se sont changés en témoins silencieux qui veillent une ville où le tumulte permanent se poursuit malgré la déroute actuelle du pays. .

this is not the end of the world

this is merely a crisis

a one-off disaster

capital control

budget cut

financial engineering

fresh money

systems last longer then we imagine

systems crumble faster then we think

capitalism seamlessly occupies the horizon

only a crisis produces real change

the truth ony appears to the collapsed

no place for us in a post-crash world

no light left to cast shadows

black market

structural adjustments

the crash was inevitable

how could we all believe the same lie?

nothing is so treacherous as the obvious

capitalism is an evolutionnary process

the system needs fresh blood to thrive

new meat was getting scarce

creative destruction

we did not leave

our world left us

salaries are worth peanuts

peanuts cost a lot of money

trauma is our daily bread

cash economy

there was no punctual moment of collapse

the world does not end with a bang


profitable fluctuation

financial meltdown

exchange money


numbers indicate the level of our decomposition

capitalism is what is left when everything else falls apart

it’s always time to leave

there is no alternative

action is pointless

Ponzi scheme